Paisley Dalmatians presents "Autumn" Glen Oaks Paisley Pep Talk (L)

What a face!

Autumn at 7 months!

Glen Oaks Paisley Pep Talk (L)
Ch. Aberdeen Sawyer Brown (L) ex Ch. Glen Oaks Sassy T
Breeders - Glen & Edie Walters and Kathy Everett
Owner - Sue MacMillan

Autumn came home with us from the National last spring, and was a most promising pup with a great attitude and a lovely pedigree. Beautiful face, pleasing markings, gorgeous eye color, and super ends. Unfortunately, at four months of age Autumn missed a step on the deck when she came racing up the path, and fractured a femur. Her leg was pinned, she was put on crate rest for a month and restricted activity for 12 weeks. Whether or not she'll ever be shown remains to be seen. Her outstanding disposition certainly came through unscrathed. Fingers crossed . . .

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