Links to pictures & pedigrees
All males with 10 or more champion offspring,and
All bitches with 5 or more champion offspring.
The number in ( ) is the number of (American) champions produced.
(Some were owned by Paisley, some were sold to other breeders.)

    Am/Can Ch. Long Last Perfect For Paisley CD Rob (60)
    Am/Can Ch. Paisley Peterbilt Am/Can CDX Jocko (15)
    Ch. Long Last Link to Paisley Pirate (14) - owned by Long Last
    Am/Can Ch. Paisleys Pointblank CD/CGC (L) Morris (14)
    Ch. Paisleys A Change of Pace CD Murphy (13)
    Ch. Paisleys Five Card Stud CDX Toby (12)
    Am/Br Ch. Vicor of the Ebony Spots CD (L) Vicor (11)
    Am/Br/INT/NAC Paisley Torch of Kirkland (L) Torch (10)

    Ch. Melody Up Up and Away CD (L) Pooka (15)
    Ch. Snowoood Paisley Cyncar Me Special Dolly (14) - Croatia/Cyncar
    Am/Can Ch. Paisley N Tucks Eureka (L) Eloise (11)
    Ch. Paisleys A Touch of Class CD Cary (10)
    Ch. Coachmans Paisley Candybar (L) Hershey (10) - Erin Dals
    Ch. Paisleys Twilight Fantasia Tasia (7)
    Ch. Paisleys Ebony Coachlight Bunny (7) - Coachlight Dals
    Ch. Paisley Spirit O Hopi Kachina (L) Trivia (7)
    Paisleys Peachy Keen CD (L) Peaches (7)
    Ch. Paisley of Proctor CD "Paisley" (6) - Proctor Dals
    Snowood Paisley Cameo Croatia "Cameo" (5) - Snowood Dals

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